New challenge at the Sisterhood and I'm liking it. Here's why:
We're focusing less on the scale and more on healthy living. Let me rephrase - I think the Sisterhood is always looking at health, but I tend to get wrapped up in how much I weigh.
It became very clear to me when a sixteen year old told me yesterday that it's not the numbers on the scale. It's how your clothes fit.
And she's right. I know this.
Yee-ouch. Nothing like being put in your place by a teenager (and also a good reminder not to obsess about my body in front of a kid - no need to send her down my body hatred path).
For the next three weeks, I'm going to be focusing on creating healthy new habits. The thought it, it take three weeks to make something stick. I don't want to go too crazy, so I'm sticking with five habits, and they are:
1) Drink water - at least 64 ounces a day. This sounds easy, but for me it is a challenge. I forget to drink water. Plus, I'm not crazy about the taste. But, I will learn to like it. I will trick myself by lacing it with lemon or cucumber slices.
2) Not eating after 9 pm. Most of my comfort binging goes on after dark. I know it's bad. All that food hanging out in my gut while I sleep with nowhere to go but my ass. If I can pull this off, I have a feeling weight loss may come easier for me.
3) No fast food. Period. Not even McDonald's soft serve. My heart just broke a little. (One caveat, I can have Subway - with no mayo).
4) Run three times weekly. I am already doing this, but making it a habit will help it stick after I complete my 5K in September.
5) Do 100 crunches daily. This is the only way I'm going to chip away at my leftover baby belly. Which I can't really call a baby belly as my 'baby' is 18 months old. Seriously, it's the front butt. I could pull off mom jeans like a rockstar right now. And that's not a good thing.
One thing I'm not going to do is post my weight on this blog weekly. Here's the plan. I will say what my weight is today, then at the end of this challenge, it will be discussed again.
So, today, I weigh 179, which is up from the end of last challenge. Blast it! I blame it on the Burger King I ate yesterday. And the double chocolate zucchini bread. Which was packed up and sent to B's work this morning. I don't need that in the house staring me down every time I enter the kitchen.
Another thing is I want to reward myself at the end of this challenge. If I can get down to 175 in three weeks, I get to do or buy something fun.
Any suggestions? Can't be too pricey, I'm on a budget, but I want to splurge on myself just a little.
Ahhh, so much to comment on here....
..truthfully, I'm glad I never had girls. Because I don't want to pass on the poor body image thing. Even with my boys, I talk about being healthy, not losing weight or being thinner. But it's always in my mind.
..the water... try sparkling. I love it Just watch for the ones in the states that have lots of sodium et al added.
..I finally started the C25K program. I'm loving it! So I'm with you on the running. Go, Heather!!
..great idea on the mini-reward. Here's mine: if I break 160, I want to order the Zumba dvds.
Good luck! You can do this!!
Great plans for your new habits, girl!! And yes, sometimes it's better to focus on ourselves rather than the number on the scale! Hopefully everyone will take this challenge and run with it!
Rewarding yourself is so important and motivating! How about a new pair of shoes, or something from an extra cool shop on Etsy?
"the front butt" LMAO!! That's hilarious!
4 lbs in 3 weeks with all of those goals shouldn't be too hard. You can do it.
I haven't posted yet, but I'm up from the end of the challenge, too. Damn Czech food. Or was it the peanut butter I laid into when I got home? Hmmm...
As far as a about a pedicure? Or a new "good affirmation" t-shirt from somewhere? Or fancy, cushy running socks?
Good for you for making more than one goal, and they are all so doable! I especially like your no fast food goal! Now that's a good one that will REALLY pay off! I rarely eat fast food anymore!
Good luck with your new habits! The crunches would be hard....but that's a good done! Darn teenagers...sometimes they do know what they are talking about! hehe!
I'm loving your goals for this challenge!
I know you can do it! And my reward is I buy myself something new to go with my work outs! It may be lame, but it tends to work for me!
Wow! No fast food? I think I'd *die* but I know it would help A LOT.
You have really terrific goals for the next 3 weeks and I love that you're not obsessing about the number on the scale.
Reward? Pedicure? Fun new water bottle? New book? Not sure what your likes/dislikes are since I just linked up to you through SJ but those could be fun if you're up for it.
Good luck!!! :)
All awesome rewards!
Beth at Folding laundry featured an esty shop with AWESOME skirts - they're $50, but they're custom...maybe I'll do that.
A treat! Ummm, let's see how about a new pair of ear rings, necklace, etc. Nothing pricey, but something that symbolizes this weight loss in the 3 weeks!
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