
Not a Shocker

After the craptastic week I've had, I haven to say I'm not entirely surprised that I'm up a bit on the scale this week. Not as much as I thought, but still, a gain.

Starting Weight: 178.8
Last Week's Weight: 176.1
This Week's Weight: 176.8

To be perfectly honest, my food choices were all about comfort and not about health this week. We were entertaining five out of seven days, and then the other two were unfortunately all about convenience and trying to recuperate. I didn't get nearly enough exercise this week. My body is not thanking me. Not at all.

I wish I could say that at least I enjoyed all the food...pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, cake, bacon, pancakes. Beer. VODKA (that was absolutely a necessity, trust).

But I didn't. I didn't even taste it. Just down the hatch to try to make myself feel better.

News flash...that does not work.

So, this week's lesson - food does not equal comfort. And I have to give a big shout out to my wonderful Team Blue, who offered lots of support this week. It really did help, because I could very easily be in jail right now if you all hadn't talked me down a bit!

Time to regroup and focus.



Christy M. said...

I'm so glad to hear that Team Blue is there to support you. I totally agree on the comfort eating. At the time it seems like a good idea, but later you realize that you didn't even enjoy the food. Been there so many times.

I hope this week is SO much better for you, all the way around.

Big HUGS!!!

april said...

Aww, no worries. Sometimes it's hard not to eat when stressed. Trust me, I found myself struggling to day when I was stressed. I have NO DOUBTS that this week will be better!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Lesson learned and onto the next week. Summer is hard to control sometimes with entertaining being so frequent.

Keep your spirit up and reach for the stars for next week's WI!
