
Blah Blah and Blah.

I am so scattered. I want to write something today - obviously this would just be me humoring myself as I don't know if I have anything interesting to ramble about (Or do I ever? Sorry, little insecurities rearing their ugly heads).

This is what's emerging from the mess inside my head. Enjoy or ignore.

* I am in lurve with Mr. Clean, and in particular his Magic Eraser. Good Lord, people, it's a cleaning tool. Remove head from gutter please! My girlfriend Rachel called me up a few weeks ago just to tell me about them. And they are so worth the hype. I wiped out my disgusting cheese and other nasty stuff crusted microwave in about 30 seconds flat. It looks new. I know. I KNOW!

* My girlfriend Jenny (who pronounces her name Jinny - she's an Okie, ya'll) whipped up some crazy good grilled cheese recipe and it will be in Sunset Magazine in July. This is the second recipe contest she's won. If I lived with Jenny I'd weigh a gazillion pounds. She's such a kick ass cook. Just had to give the shout out! Woot woot!

* Our car has been acting weird lately. The transmission is what B has been telling me. And also that I'm extra hard on the car, because I don't wait till I come to a full stop to put it into park, yada yada. I'm a woman, right? I can't help it, apparently. PFFTTTTT!
So I called the Ford dealership today and apparently our make and model has been having issues with leaking transmission fluid. It is covered under warranty and NOT MY FAULT. HA. Okay, enough gloating. And I am making a conscious effort to be nicer to the car.

* I seriously hate my dogs today. As I type, the 100 pound golden retriever is hurling his body against the sliding glass door. The sun is shining for once and they want in. And when they get in, they will click clack click clack up and down the hall while G is napping. Oh, I almost forgot. They escaped again today. Satan...erm, I mean Sadie...can unhook the gate. If they go to dog jail I'm leaving them there. End of story. Except dog jail would probably give me money to take them back after having my evil dogs in custody for a few hours.

* My only vacation for the summer is canceled. My grandfather has rented a house in Eastern Washington on a lovely lake (actually a dammed up river) for 15 years and I guess nobody is interested in going this year...except for me. I'm so bummed. I'm trying to think of something inexpensive for a getaway. No, 'staycations' don't count, because if I'm in my house, I'm thinking about cleaning, cooking, cleaning up after the cooking, et cetera. Staying at home is NEVER EVER a vacation for the mama. NEVER.

*How about Jon Gosselin? I wonder if he really was cheating? Dude, I hope it was worth it, because the wrath of Kate is something to be reckoned with, for sure. I would not cross that woman.

* Speaking of massive families, I would be negligent not to mention the Duggars. Totally old news, but Josh and Anna are expecting. The very first of their child army. I wonder if they will do the same letter for all the names? And just for the record, I bet this post will get hits just because I typed the name Duggar. Duggar, Duggar, Duggar. Tater tot casserole. Modest swimwear. I am totally looking into getting one of the slimming ones.

*How about American Idol? I love Adam. He is so pretty. I love a guy who can wear eyeliner. He takes me back to my days of swooning over Duran Duran. And I love his voice. Yes, some may say he's a screamer (and you're not the only one) (sorry, John Lennon), but I love that type of voice. He better win. Gokey and Allen are fine and all, but they're a little Chip and Chad for me.

See, I told you I'm scattered. But I feel a little better getting some of this crap out of my poor little brain. Ahhhh.


Andrea said...

A. I hate those magic erasers. Someone used one on my hardwood floors... not made for hardwood floors.

B. I hadn't heard the cheating rumors. Don't follow the family much but that would be a bummer. I hate cheaters.

C. I don't get the whole "staycation" thing either. Seriously. Let's just call it staying at home.

D. Why would you want slimming swimwear if the whole purpose is to be modest? I guess I'm not meant to understand. I don't get why you can't have bare arms swimming.

E. Your post about your dad took me way back to those times you stayed with me while your parents were fishing. Wow, those are some memories, right? Do you remember fighting?

Heather D said...

Cheaters suck. Seriously.
What is this fighting you speak of? HA HA HA.
Seriously. Stick hormonal/retarded teenage girls together for weeks on end. Surprising? No.
I'm glad you still like me :)

Unknown said...

hahaha, you are funny!

I like the new layout too!

Unknown said...

I too hope Jon didn't do it...thought the same thing about the wrath. I loved that show and will be very sad if it's over. I may try the magic eraser, but not on hardwood, thanks for the heads up Andrea.

Money Jenny said...

Hey, BTW...BGO has some version of the Magic Erasers for 50 cents each. I buy them up en masse. Discovered them about a year ago and fell in love myself.