

When my husband and I first moved in together, a little over eight years ago, we decided we wanted to adopt some kitties. One night, he came home from work with a 'surprise'. His jacket had two lumps in the front - that were purring.

He pulled down the zipper to reveal two of the most adorable but sickly looking kittens I'd ever seen. A little tiger striped boy and a black fluffy girl with orange eyes. He had rescued them not from a shelter, but from the family of his little sister's boyfriend. The kittens and their mother had been sorely neglected (believe me, I was NOT impressed). I was immediately attached, but scared they weren't going to make it through the night.

But they did. And a vet trip, shots, worming, de-flea-ing and lots of kitten food later, they were thriving.

Boris and Bridget. They were our first children.

Now, they are eight years old. They still snuggle like they did when they were brand new. I've often wondered if animals have the capacity to love.

I'm pretty sure they do.

For more love around the home, click over to I Should Be Folding Laundry for You Capture. Even better, link up and join the fun!


jaime said...

Oh, I am such a cat person, and I do believe animals have the capacity to love. My husband and I fight over which of us our cat loves most (it's me, of course.) Boris & Bridget are so lucky to have been adopted by your family!! :)

Stillmary said...

Love your kitty pictures - young and old and, I have to say, I love your blog. It's so interesting AND entertaining.

Anonymous said...

adorable! we treat our dog like our child too...can't help but spoil him :)

sarah said...

they are precious and I absolutely believe they have the capacity to love--each other and us. I've got two shelter-rescued cats and I swear every day I can feel their gratitude at having been given a second chance.

Chocolate Girl said...

That's a wonderful way to get yourself some kittens. They're awfully sweet!

Bunch of Barrons said...

So cute! I'm such a cat person! :)

tippytoe foxtrot said...

Sweet babies!

Mendie said...

the pockets were purring...that's funny! love it when pets cuddle with each other...they feel the love!

The Doll said...

I LOVE animals and I know they can love and they all have their own wonderful personality. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

awww, so cute. Our two cats were rescued as kittens. They are brothers and clearly love each other very much. Glad your two are living such happy lives now :)

Unknown said...

Of course animals can LOVE. Thanks for sharing your twosome.

Anonymous said...

I love animals. I'm so upset we can't have them where we are living now. Your cats are adorable.

Bacardi Mama said...

Although I'm not a big cat lover, these two are pretty cute and do believe that animals have the capacity to love.

Melissa said...

So sweet! I love kitties. :)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

The love of rescued animals brings me to tears. Enough said. (sniff!) =)