It started about a month ago. I was up visiting a friend in
Bellingham (My hometown - or the largest town nearby to where I grew up. Also known as the
city of subdued excitement. I'm not kidding) and after we got our hairs did, we had a nice little lunch and ended up doing some shopping.
We were in this adorable, trendy little shop and I was feeling terribly old. And out of style. I decided then and there I needed to update myself somehow. And that somehow was accessorizing.
Truth be told, I suck at accessorizing. I have my ears pierced, twice, yet I never wear earrings. I had a brief tryst with necklaces that came to an abrupt halt when I realized that I didn't want to be strangled by my toddler while trying to be fashionable. I will not wear watches or bracelets because they make my wrists look particular, they bring attention to my hairy arms (I am convinced they are so hairy because I tried to shave them once when I was 7).
So basically the only accessory I wear regularly is my wedding ring.
For some reason, that afternoon, a little voice in my head said YOU MUST START WEARING SCARVES.
And so it began. Introducing my first scarf.
Hi, I'm a dork. That is all.Since then, I've kind of lost the plot. Old Navy has reasonable, super cute scarves and I can't seem to control myself. Like, at all.
Last count I was at twelve.
Intervention, please?